Yee Sok Steve got back from Dubai in time for dinner and also to spend the next 9 days with us. Food was not too bad but I was so tired I slept through the first half of dinner. When I woke up, dinner was almost over but I still got to eat some pretty good food.
After dinner, we decided to check out the beach area outside the restaurant. Unfortunately the boardwalk was closed to the public so we just hung around the pool area. We took some nice family pictures and had lots of fun with the monster face shots.
The next day, we woke up and Daddy and Mummy showered us with nice wishes and also an ang pow each. We then had steamboat breakfast and changed up for our visitation. We went to Bishan for some more breakfast with Ma Ma and Gong Gong, then headed to AMK to a grand aunty's house for more food. I guess it is all about eating during Chinese New Year. At about 5.30pm, we headed to 3rd grand aunty's house to meet up with more aunties, uncles and cousins.