Thursday, June 14, 2012


Nai Nai is away in Genting so Mummy and Daddy took the day off to spend time with me and also to bring Gor Gor Reuben out in the afternoon. Together with Mummy and Daddy, we had breakfast at this very interesting restaurant called Choupinette. Mummy found out about it from her friend so they decided to check it out. They seem to have enjoyed the food judging from the cleaned out plates left behind. And I think Daddy would have loved to stay a little longer to chill if not for the fact that I kept coughing, probably from the air con there.

After picking Gor Gor Reuben up from school at around 12.30, we headed to the Singapore Art Museum where they are having their annual children's exhibition and the theme this time is The Art Garden. We walked around the different rooms and there were interesting exhibitions and fun activities for children but unfortunately I could only watch while Mummy carried me around. We didn't stay very long as apparently last year's exhibition was better than this year's. We ended up at Food for Thought for something to eat instead. Gor Gor had a blast with ice cream taken from Daddy's root beer float. I was just busy with my biscuit sticks.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My First Diamond

Diamond is a girl's best friend.. regardless how small it is.

After weeks of deliberation and asking around, Mummy decided that it is time I get my ears pierced before I grow older and starts to resist the pain. While we were having lunch at Adam's Road Hawker Centre after church today, Mummy was talking to Gu Zhe and convinced her that Wei En Zhe Zhe should also have her ears pierced, much to the delight of Gu Jeong who hasn't been able to convince her.

We went over to B'dazzled at Wisma Atria where Mummy has found to be reliable from her friends. Something strange and sweet happened to Gor Gor Evan who, after realizing that his sister will be getting her ears pierced, started crying because he feels her pain. Daddy had to bring both Gor Gor Evan and Reuben away in case they created a scene. They were treated to ice cream while the girls were getting their first diamonds attached.

Mummy and Daddy were very proud of me as I didn't cry very much after having my ears pierced. I was pacified with my bottle of milk which was very important to me. Mummy is very happy with her decision because I look very pretty with the diamond studs. Thanks Mummy and Daddy for the 9th Month present.