We are in week 3 of our Stay Home routine due to the Covid 19 virus. For the first time, we have to stay away from school, stay at home and do everything from home. Most offices are closed. Most retail shops are also closed. Only those providing essential services are allowed to open. We can't eat at the hawker centres or restaurants but we are allowed to buy back. We are also able to go the markets and supermarkets to buy our daily necessities. We don't go out very much as we should stay home and contain the virus. We don't even go to Nai Nai and Ye Ye's place for dinner on Sundays anymore because we were advised against meeting with the older folks as their resistance is lower and we might pass the virus to them unknowingly. We seriously don't know how long more this will take and when we can all go back to normalcy again.
On a lighter note, we do go out once in a while to get some fresh air. Let's hope all will stay safe and we can return to our normal lives soon.