This is the first time I am taking part in a fencing competition. It is the annual Modern Fencing Minime Competition organised by Modern Fencing and held at Temasek Club. At first I wasn't keen to participate but Mummy and Daddy convinced me to just go have fun. It is not about winning but more to experience being in a competition.
We woke up early this Sunday morning and unfortunately we had to skip church today. We got to Temasek Club early and while I thought it is just a minime competition so it won't be that crowded but boy was I wrong. We noticed there were participants from other neighbouring countries too and some Malaysians have driven in to participate. There were also some from Hong Kong and the Philippines.
As it was our first time, we all didn't know what to do or what to expect and thankfully some mothers were kind enough to tell us what to do and where to go. I started the competition in a group with 5 other boys. I had to play all 5 of them so that they could place us in the next group. I came very close to winning 2 of the boys but unfortunately I lost all 5 matches. And for the second round, I will play and the moment i lose any game I am out. I tried my best and didn't make it past the first opponent. It was a good experience and I am sure I will do better the next time I compete.
Mummy has encouraged me to take up a uniform group and since she was previously in the Girls Brigade, she thought it will be nice for me to join too.
Formed in 1893 in Dublin, Ireland, the Girls' Brigade aims to help and encourage girls to become responsible, self-reliant and useful Christian women. In Singapore, the 1st Singapore Company of the Girls' Life Brigade was started by Mrs Elsie Lyne at the Methodist Girls' School.
Today, MGS celebrates the 92nd Enrollment Service and the recruits like myself will be sworn in. The event started at 6pm with a parade and then a dinner reception followed by the service. The recruits even prepared a few song presentations and everyone had fun singing along with us. The service ended around 9pm and we hung around the office area as mummy and her friends caught up a little and we took some group photos.
I am looking forward to earning all those GB badges!